Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Yesterday morning I was at the gym lifting, doing standing curls, when I felt something pop in my upper back. It hurt badly. I couldn't turn my head in any direction without pain. I figured I'd strained a muscle. I iced it all day and then finally called Kirk at Triad. He told me to come in and he'd take a look at it. He laid me down on a table and cranked on my back, torquing me around in some pretty painful ways until he did something and all of the sudden it was back, about 90% better.

He then proceeded to ream me out for all of the things that he's been telling me all along that I'm doing wrong with my workout - too much upper body focused on my shoulders, chest and traps, not enough lower back, not enough range of motion stuff, too many heavy weights. He's got me on one of his funky workout routines with bands and some other stuff. I've learned that he knows best. Best I can figure it's the equivalent of someone bringing me a computer full of viruses after I've been telling them all along to install a firewall and anti-virus software. If Kirk's advice is good enough for the Red Wings when he was their trainer, I guess it's good enough for me.

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