Thursday, December 15, 2005

Connecting Flights

The good news is I was able to get on an earlier flight out of Boston, the bad news is that I'm now sitting in the airport no further ahead, as the 7:35 connecting flight to Flint was pushed back to 10:00PM. I swear I'll never take a connecting flight from Lansing or Flint just to get the extra miles to push me to the next level of my Worldperks status. I get hosed almost every time I do it.

Interesting thing: I was connecting to the internet at the airport and noticed that someone had set a connecting point called "Free Internet Access". It was an evil twin site, setup to lure people to connect to it and then grab your credit card information from you.

One piece of good news. I am no longer the worst Dad in the world, well, kinda. Because of all of the snow, Nate and Maddie's Christmas concert was moved from being tonight (which I would of missed) to Monday. I'm supposed to have a work Christmas party on Monday, which I'll gladly miss or try and move in order to get back in the good graces of my children.

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