Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I've never been to Boston in the Fall.....

I'm in Boston tonight, flying back tomorrow. I flew out of Flint (yes, I'm close to my Northwest Platinum status, trying to get miles) and just barely made my flight. My laptop died yesterday, and my new one did not come until 10AM. My flight was at 11:40 and the Flint airport is under an hour away. In theory, it all should of worked out IF I'd of allotted time to reassemble my laptop and resync my files. I made it - barely. I'm driving out here, something I hate doing in Boston. Downtown sucks for driving and the Cambridge area, where I'm at, is equally confusing. All that being said, it's by far my favorite city. This should be my last work-related travel for the year.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I don't like's not a big college town.