Friday, January 20, 2006

Morning Workout

We're at the end of our second week of the Triad workout team. This morning it was Bob, Mark, Joe, Kirk, Myself and Jason. Kirk brought out these two-looped rubber bands, we paired up, and each put a loop around our waist. One person would run two 50 yard wind sprints while the person behind you acted as a drag, digging their feet in. How hard this workout goes is directly related to the partner. If you and your partner make a deal, life can be good. I got paired with Kirk and went first in the set. The only good thing about that was that I could cause him as much pain as he caused me during my set. We ended up pushing each other pretty hard and at the end, our legs were all toast. I hated every moment of this thing, but in the end, it felt good to push myself that hard, and do it with a group who was all in equal pain. Community is a good thing. We all went out for breakfast afterwards, which was nice. Brad didn't show this morning because he had a toothache, if you believe that.

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