Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Travel Blues

I just about missed my flight this morning.  I’m normally able to do my trip to the airport with my eyes closed, arriving in plenty of time.  I had a tough time finding a place to park, I needed a shoe shine which took longer than I’d planned, and they’d moved my gate back to the B terminal.  Normally, no problem.  Today, they were getting ready to shut the doors as I walked up to the gate.

Maybe it’s because of wireless Bluetooth Headsets, but I’ve noticed that a lot more guys talk on the phone while in the bathroom at airports.  Do women do this?

1 comment:

Rich said...

I know you asked specifically about women but I thought you would want to know anyway… I text message and check email when I poop.. I haven’t worked up the courage to talk on the phone during the deed..