Friday, February 10, 2006

Daddy Daughter Dance

Tonight was the Daddy/Daughter dance for Emily, Madeline and I. With Cathie being gone, I enlisted one of the girls baby-sitters, Delaney, to do their hair. We went over there at 5 and she spent about an hour getting both of the girl's hair as beautiful as can be. They both felt like princesses.

From there we went out to dinner and then to the big dance. Each of the girls had a corsage and a got a carnation at the dance. There were about 100 dads with their girls, and it's the funniest sight you've ever seen. 100 rhythmless white men dancing without alcohol, all dressed up in their nicest suits. There are a couple first-timers who think that wearing slacks and a shirt will be enough - but no. The veteran dad's wear their suits, knowing that no outfit is too fancy for this thing. Madeline helped me pick out my outfit today, and she chose a suit without any tie.

At one point in the night they had the dads go in the middle and all do the hustle, which was a debacle and one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Both of the girls loved the dance, but trying to dance with both of them was a little tough, even for a dancing king like me.

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