Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Jury Duty

I'm on Federal Jury duty next week. Don't get me wrong, I've always wanted to actually serve on a jury, instead of driving somewhere and sitting around only to not be selected. The kids are off school next week and we were planning on going out of town for a couple of days to a hotel/water park. I sent the Jury Clerk back a nice note explaining this only to receive a note telling me that this is not a legal excuse, so show up or else. I've never really cared about who I voted for for the Clerk positions - I always thought it was pretty much a glorified secretarial job and not something we should be voting on anyways. From now on, my goal is to make sure that Arthur McCoy is not reelected as the , Clerk. I consider it an honor to serve on a jury, but just don't tell me about the jury duty three weeks before, and then hose my vacation to do it. If Arthur's position is one that we DON'T vote on, I want to begin voting on it, so that I can NOT vote for Arthur.

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