Saturday, February 11, 2006

Road Rally

The road rally went great tonight. We had eleven kids and each one of them had a blast. It's strange to think that the last time I did one of these road rallies for the junior high youth group, I had over 60 kids there. For something like this, I look at the fact that I had 4 of my usual kids and 7 other kids there. One of the 4 usual kids is one who'd come to the last game night we'd done as a new kid, and since then he's starting coming to church with his Mom and Dad. He came tonight and brought 4 friends of his own. When I started the youth group up 10 years ago, I had 4 kids and grew it into over 100 kids that came on a regular basis. I was pretty focused on the number back then, now it's not that big of a deal. Sure I want a lot of kids to come to these things, but I want to make sure that the kids who do come are connected with and impacted by God's love through the leaders and kids they interact with. My theory is that if you do that, kids will come, because they don't experience that too many places.

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