Sunday, March 05, 2006

Dan's Negotiating Skills

I like fake rolexes and my brother Dan works in purchasing. How are these two things related? Let me explain. First: I'm a big fan of fake rolexes. I love the look and style of them and I'm too cheap to spend $4,000 on a watch. Knock-offs last me a couple years and are great for the price. Whenever someone I know is going over to China, I have them pick me up a watch. My friend Justin just came back from China and he picked me up a great Rolex Oyster Explorer. Dan picked me up a watch last month when he was out there (which he charged me for, while getting Rich a t-shirt for free).

My brother Dan works in purchasing for his company. In my job, I deal with purchasing all the time, and for the most part, they're a pain. My brother Dan is very proud of this fact and likes to believe that he's an amazing negotiator, enjoying beating up his vendors, all while taking bribes (basketball tickets, football tickets, etc). Being in purchasing, Dan must be a way better negotiator than a chemist, right? Nope. Dan was able to "negotiate" the vendor down to a mere $25 for a watch, while Justin got them down to $12.50. Maybe the guy slipped Dan a set of tickets to a cock-fight so Dan agreed to the higher prices. Dan loves cock fights.


Dan said...

First, to set the record straight...I don't take bribes.

Second, as a buyer you must consider both cost and quailty (can you really put a price on quality?). I could have picked you up a ROLOX watch...a Timex watch that has a rolex face with the words spelled wrong and the numbers glued on backwards for $5.00, or I could pick you up a quality watch that will last you a lifetime. Sometimes you have to pay a little more to get the beter quality.

Rich said...

My theory is that Dan made $12.50 on the transaction with Dave and Justin wasn’t being a savvy businessman giving into pride, by bragging about a good deal rather than turning a buck.. I think Dan and Justin paid the same for the watch but Dan put a little tax on, as a wise businessman should….

Another way to look at it is that Dan over charge Dave for the watch to cover the price of my ”cool free t-shirt”!!!