Monday, March 13, 2006


On Sunday, Brad and I left midway through Church to head over to 242 Church in Brighton to see my friend Jason teach during the 11:00 service. He's just started there as the Director of Youth stuff and in his second week they had him up front talking. That afternoon Cathie, the kids and I went to one of the old folks home in town where our church was putting on a church service and ice cream social for the people who live there. It didn't smell as horrible as I expected but most of the residents there were in pretty bad shape. Maddie and I handed out the songs sheets and Nate helped wheel some of the residents around and afterwards the girls helped make ice cream sundaes which Nate and I helped pass out afterwards. I've been trying to make serving others more of a priority in my own life by doing things like this as well as going downtown as part of our downtown outreach program. I'm not there, but it's a start.

I met an interesting guy at church yesterday and invited him to our workout this morning. He's spent the past five years in prison after getting three DUI's in a row. 18 months turned into five years after a fair amount of fighting in prison to try and hold his own. It was interesting hearing about how prison changed him and how he's getting back on his feet now that he's out.

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