Thursday, September 14, 2006


I picked up the new Bob Seger album Face the Promise off iTunes yesterday and I like it. I'm more excited about his potential upcoming tour. When I was a kid, we would go and visit my Grandma in Detroit and I'd spend time with my Uncle Bill, who I idolized. I'd sit next to him in church, at dinner, at family events and ride with him in his car any chance I got (he started teaching me to drive when I was 12). When we'd get in his car, he would introduce me to all kinds of music, including Bob Seger's music. One of the first albums he gave me was Seger's Live Bullet (which IMHO is the greatest live album of all time), especially the version of Turn the Page. Everytime I hear the song, it reminds me of my Uncle. Toward the end of his life as he was getting sicker and sicker, I wanted to go to a Bob Seger concert with him. Seger never toured, but I'm not going to miss the upcoming tour.

1 comment:

Jon said...

I was always scared to death in the back seat of that car while U.B. was teaching you to drive.