Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I'm back to working out at Triad this week. I'd taken about a month off starting in early January to change things up a little. When i first started coming to Triad, i had been lifting 3 to 5 days a week and even though my cardio endurance wasn't great, the strength from lifting helped keep me in the front of the pack (with this group, you don't want to be the guy bring up the rear). Over time, I changed to just doing the Plyometrics at our morning workouts three days a week and stopped lifting altogether. I noticed I was dragging, but wasn't sure why.

I took a month off and lifted five days a week, upper and lower body, to get my strength back to where it had been. This morning I saw the difference. Yesterday we did sets of jump squats and explosive plyo ball push-ups and today we did this crazy combination of 10 laps of bear crawls in all directions around a 12x12 square followed by a series of forward box jumps. Both days I was able to keep up and at times even take the lead. I'm alternating doing 3 days of lifting and 2 days at Triad one week and 3 days at Triad and 2 days lifting the following week. I've been eating like crap on the weekends, but doing a pretty good job getting 6 good meals in during the day (with the occasional ice cream at night). I haven't weighed myself in months, but I think I'm hanging around my 205 weight.

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