Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Dana!

Dana is getting really old. She turned 31 yesterday. A few things about Dana:
  • Dana just got her nose pierced for her birthday in an effort to not look 31. It actually looks good on her. She wanted to get a tramp-stamp on her lower back instead, but Cathie talked her out of it.
  • Dana hate' surprises. Dana's husband Eli and I are taking our wives on a surprise trip. Dana is desperate to know where and we've been feeding her bad information including tips like: The inventor of the electron microscope is from this state, The state is shaped like Ireland, The state is the largest cotton producing state in North America and the Appalachian trail runs through this state. (I made these all up on the spot, but she took them seriously and researched all of them)
  • Did I mention Dana is gullible?
  • Dana works at Jeffrey Animal hospital. She loves expunging anal glands more than anything and now she wants to move on to giving rectal exams, as she's studying to become a nurse.
  • Dana's parents wanted a boy and hoped to name him Dan. They were stuck with a girl and named her Dana instead.
  • Dana was the trainer for the monkey Clyde in the movie Every Which Way But Loose. She trained him to flip people the bird and punch people in the face.
  • Dana has a huge heart, is one of my wife's closest friends and my girls are crazy about her. Nate tolerates her, but I think he secretly likes the attention from Dana.
  • Dana was the only female wrestler on her high school wrestling team.


Jon said...

My Dad will pay you $40 to remove that thing off your nose.

Dan said...

How do you pick your nose with that thing in?