Sunday, September 30, 2007

JV Gold Panthers vs. Fowlerville

It's a blast to watch Nate keep improving every week at football. He had his best week ever this week with a few big tackles, including the one pictured on the right as he's chasing down a guy heading towards the end-zone. Cathie's Dad was there to capture the moment on video. Cathie's Mom is over in Japan and not able to make the commute back for his games, so I wanted to put it online for her (and to brag about my son as I'm a very proud Dad). They lost the game by a touchdown and had one kid taken to the hospital in an ambulance.

Kevin, Sooze and the kids made it up for the game as well. Maddie and Em are proud of their brother, but only have so much tolerance for football. Coloring is a nice alternative. We had perfect weather for the game. Only three games left until the end of the season.

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