Sunday, September 23, 2007

Panthers vs. Brighton Game

Nate's team lost to the Brighton Bulldogs 0-19. These guys were impressive, including the 6'3" sixth grader with a 50" vertical, as pictured on the left. These guys seemed to play dirty, including the giant #54 pictured in both of these shots. How many personal fouls can you see wrong with the picture on the right?
Nate's been getting a lot more playing time and I've been getting out on the field taking more and more pictures, including a couple like this one below where I almost got drilled.
The coach continues to do a great job with these boys, knowing how to motivate them and work on the fundamentals. Brighton traditionally has a very good team and the silver lining in this cloud was that they beat us by less than they'd beaten the other teas.


~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

Brighton takes their football VERY seriously....especially High School Football

~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

I would say..."GO BULLDOGS", but I love Nate way too much!

Unknown said...

Buncha cheatin punks.