Tuesday, October 16, 2007

5 Reasons

IMG_5293Emily went to school yesterday wearing her "Top 5 reasons why my Mom is the best". She came home wearing it a little differently. Her teacher (and our family friend) added her own top 5 list. The Top 5 Reasons why My Teacher is the best:
  1. She lets me do lots of reading and writing.
  2. She lets me play with Nutty the Squirrel (a squirrel that comes to their classroom window, and according to Sheri, must play in Emily's hair at recess based how it looks coming back into class.)
  3. She comes over for dinner
  4. She loves my piggytails
  5. She always makes me laugh
I guess I haven't seen Emily wear a "Top 5 reasons my Dad is the best" shirt yet, but then again, I don't do the shopping. Seems a little narcissistic of Cathie. Does she really expect people to believe that Em picked this shirt out? Seems more like a cry for help.


The Teacher said...

C'mon! I couldn't let Cathie show me up on a t-shirt!!! Emily loves me the most...I'm the teacher!!

Unknown said...

Em got that shirt in her stocking at grandpas he didnt buy that Well actually I got it nd she got a '"Top 5 Reasons Why I Love My Dad" shirt