Tuesday, October 23, 2007

And Justice for All

IMG_5711On Saturday, my brother-in-law/sister-in-law dropped off their dog for us to watch while they're in the Bahamas on vacation for the week. Justice is a huge (90+ lb) black lab dog and Ed and Stacy's only child. He's been a very good house guest and is finally starting to get along with the cat. Did I mention that he's huge? We're used to our dog Riley hanging out under the table, but justice's head comes up level with the table and he can eat right off the table without much problem. He can be a little high maintenance, wanting to sleep on our bed at night with us and whining incessantly when he's not getting enough attention. Aside from Riley, Justice is Em's favorite dog in the world. Justice is super protective of all three of the kids, especially Em. If I even wrestle with Em, Justice will jump right in, bark and throw his body into me to break it up. Justice has made himself right at home, with his favorite spot to sleep in the house being our giant bean-bag-chair-love-sac. My favorite part so far is watching the dog torment my cat, who I'm not a big fan of. Our black cat's hair stands up on end, like something out of a Halloween picture.

1 comment:

Jon said...

You love that cat more then you love your children!