Sunday, October 21, 2007


willapaloozaThe moment we've been planning for five years is finally upon us, also known as Will's Bachelor Party - Willapalooza. The name stems from the movie Old School, and the big event there - Mitchapalooza. Eleven of us will descend upon Las Vegas to celebrate Will's remaining days as a single man. We arrive on Saturday morning from all over the country - California, Illinois, Michigan, Memphis and Minnesota. Will, Dave, Dan, Jon, Brad, Bob, Ted, Noel, Kohne, Mike and Rich. Will has asked that his only gift from us be multiple spa treatments, including a high colonic and a complete body-waxing. We've had t-shirts made up with the Willapalooza logo on it, a web-site and oh-so-much-more. For those of you who assume debauchery, never fear: Will has outlined for us what he's up for and what he's not. If we run into a theological dilemma, we have Pastor Noel along to settle the debate for us. If we want to understand how to cross the line and the value of Mutually Assured Destruction - Brad and Ted will coach us all on the finer points. It's gonna be fun. Or else.


Dan said...

During the trip, Noel has asked that we call him Reverend Noel.

Jon said...

Is Eli not going now?

Noel Heikkinen said...

"The Right Reverend Noel"