Today, I finished, in under a year. The year was more of a goal to shoot for to keep me doing this as part of my daily regiment. What I especially enjoyed about the whole thing was digging into the old testament, something I just don't do that often outside of Psalms, Proverbs or to read the story of David. What an amazingly dysfunctional family and story, with these vectors that all point to the Messiah. The downside to reading it at this pace is that at days, it was a chore to do it, and that the journaling that I normally do suffered this year, and I didn't read much in terms of soul-reading outside of the Bible this year. I discovered that I dig Jeremiah, the weeping prophet and all of the funky object lessons stuff that God had him do to send a message to His people (I think I also figured out where Jesus got his hatred of figs).
This post is no more than a pat on the back because I'm proud that I persevered and finished it in a year and grew by doing it. I am amazed as I look back at how what I would read each day would come to life in what I was doing or thinking. It was a great way to start the day, with God's word permeating my skull. The big theme that came through to me was what it looks like to fear God, in a healthy way. This is a concept that I'm still internalizing and trying to figure out how to live out and apply to the way that I treat others and treat God.
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