Cathie and I are are going on a mini-getaway down for four nights down in Flordia. I've got a meeting in Orlando towards the end of January, so I'm going to fly down, meet Cathie in Miami and we're going to drive down and spend a couple days in Key West. We'll then spend a day in Miami and then fly out Sunday morning. I'm able to do all of the airfare, hotels and car based on the frequent flier/driver/stayer points, including some pretty amazing hotels in Key West and South Beach.

Back in 2005 Ted, Will, Brad, Bob and I went down to Florida for Brad's 50th birthday to go deep-sea fishing. Fishing conditions weren't great so we rented two matching Seabring convertibles and road-tripped down to Key West for a couple of days. 2 Months later, Cathie and visited Key West as a port of call on my company's president's club award trip and spent a few hours there snorkeling and touring around, but not long enough to see the sunset, which is amazing. Two nights there will give us a good chance to decompress in the laid back atmosphere, enjoy the sun and the margaritas and look for Jimmy Buffett.
This trip would not be possible without my Dad's offering to watch the kids while we're gone. Not only did he offer, but he's really looking forward to it - as far as I know. On a side note, what I find so cool about my Dad's recent retirement that instead of making it all about him and relaxing after 45+ years of work, he sees this as a time to serve others and spend as much time as possible with his friends, kids and grandkids. He's also started taking classes towards a Masters in Theology as he goes back and wants to be even more involved in his church in a Lay-capacity (I suggested that it was so he would become as smart as me, but he denies this). Anyways, thanks Dad!
And I wasn't asked to watch your kids because...???
Nate asked to have you come stay with them instead of getting any presents this year. We told him he had not been good enough for that kind of gift.
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