Friday, December 21, 2007

Things I'm Thankful For

Just a quick list of things I'm thankful for:
  • A wife that is beautiful on the inside and out, who gets me completely and loves me unconditionally.
  • Three kids who are the greatest blessing in my life, are healthy, are amazing reflections of faith, joy and love, and who God constantly uses to teach me about grace and His love for me.
  • A family to love and be loved by, to have fun with, to support and include others in their joy.
  • A job that I love, that I'm good at, with people that I love and with bosses who understand and leverage my strengths and are forgiving and tolerant of my weaknesses, and let me be me.
  • A home full of stuff that I love.
  • Being a part of a beautiful, amazing church that constantly teaches me why Jesus refers to the bride of Christ, with pastors, leaders and elders that love deeply, lead well, gracefully and sacrificially.
  • A group of friends that love me for who I am and provide me with such joy in my life, accountability, support and laughter.
  • A deep joy in my life that allows me to laugh often and hard.
  • A God who loves me so much that he would leave heaven and invade earth to come and save me from myself and in turn use me to to help set the world right this side of heaven.
  • A Savior who is in the process of transforming me from being a self-centered, self-righteous, hard hearted ass into a person who is a person who is more generous of my time and with my stuff, who cares more and more about the poor and hurting and values others more and more.


Dan said...

Can I have your TV set?

Jon said...

If there is ever someone who needs a new TV it is Dan. He really does quality as a charity.