Monday, January 28, 2008


I received one of the coolest gifts ever today from Jay and Jess. It was a book, a photo album of the last few years of youth ministry at Crossroads. The book was filled with hundreds of pictures and quotes about youth ministry and life in general. It's one of those things you keep forever and read and read until you wear it out. Jay made the book using iPhoto and his picture choices and the layout was awesome.

Sentimentality aside, the quality of the book and the picture quality was phenomenal (and I work for a company for whom color output is kind of a big deal).


Rays Family said...

We agree, the book is awesome.

Jon said...

Is it as cool as a butter bell?

Unknown said...

Is anything as cool as a gift for a man with heart disease that can keep butter soft at room temperature?

We found a dumber gift in Key West - liquor bottles melted into cheese cutting boards.