Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bunch of Sickos

While I'm slowly feeling better, all three kids are home from school with the flu and Cathie started getting something on Sunday. After running a pretty consistent 104 degree temperature over the weekend, Emily went to to the Doctor on Monday and it turns out she has the influenza (aka "The Flu") and pneumonia. The Doctor put Cathie on Tamaflu to ease the impact of the flu on her and the kids on it today after they came home with fevers the start of the flu. Nate came home from school looking horrible with a fever and Cathie asked him why he hadn't called her from school. His response, "You told me not to call home sick unless I was really, really sick." Guess we better redefine that for him.

On the upside, Cathie said the Tamaflu is working miracles for her. Hopefully everyone will be healthy enough by tomorrow to go to my Grandma's funeral.

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