Thursday, March 27, 2008

Em and I

The unwritten code in Michigan weather says that just when you're starting to enjoy spring like weather, it needs to snow a bit. Or a lot. Today was no different. Em and I went out to enjoy the hot tub during the big snow tonight. We hung out in the hot tub and played "Animal 20 Questions", which she's gotten to be very good at - but I'm better. The ultimate in our family 20 questions is when you can guess it on the first try, which I did with a brilliant guess of "Koala Bear".

The kids have been off school all week on Spring Break, so they've had friends over to spend the night, to play and have been at different houses throughout the week. I've been working about 60% this week and off completely tomorrow to hang out. As a family, we're going to do a "Salvation Army Fashion Show" tomorrow where Nate and I get to pick out a $3 outfit for Maddie and Em, and the girls get to do the same for Nate. It's a game inspired by Jess Shinn's everyday fashion sense. Should be fun.


Jon said...

I bet many of your shirts are small of enough for Nate to start wearing them.

Unknown said...

It's like you are have multiple personalities - and on rare occasions you slip into the lyrical gangster personality... Just not this time.