Saturday, March 29, 2008

Boxes of Crap

I'd mentioned earlier how I'm trying to figure out this whole spiritual discipline of simplicity, so here's the latest. I'm almost done with my 30 day fast from buying stuff - which has been tough and insightful. I've learned that a buy a lot of crap, and in the end I really don't need it for the most part. I buy stuff when I'm bored or feeling down, and there are times I just feel compelled to buy stuff, with part of me believing that I really need what it is to be happy. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would and I think that in doing this fast along with other stuff, I'm breaking the bond of my addiction to stuff a bit. Time will tell I guess.

I've also come to the realization that I have a lot of stuff. Ok, dumb thing to say. I knew that I had a lot of stuff, but at the same time, I think I'd gotten used to it. I'm seeing more and more clearly the reality of the statement, "The stuff you own can end up owning you." As part of this whole thing, I'm trying to get rid of some of my stuff. I'm trying to fill a big big full of crap every week to either toss, sell or give away (No Dan, you can't have my TV). Yes, I realize that if I do this infinitely, I will eventually have nothing left, so I've decided I won't do it forever. That big black trash bag and the nest of cables piled next to it is something I've been working on for about 18 years and it was tough to get rid of. The big bin is full of books I've haven't read in a while and probably won't read in the next year.

For the record, the cleaning out of this stuff was in no way tied to a giant rat infestation, as some people have experienced lately.

Mostly for Jess (ok, really for Rob Bell and Jesus) I'm recycling all the boxes of the crap I'm getting rid of.


Rays Family said...

Ok, let's get it right, it was really just a small rat infestation and how long did you say it will take for the bodies to decompose and for the smell to go away?

Unknown said...

We had to find it first... Under the fridge.