Sunday, March 09, 2008

New Garage Door Opener

The Schultz's came over last night and Eli and I spent the evening installing my new garage door opener. After 15 years, the original one died and the replacement wasn't as easy as I'd hoped. My original one was a chain drive and the guy at Lowe's convinced me that the screw-drive was far superior and quieter. Normally, I'd pay someone to install it for me, but Brad explained to me that he had done it himself in his garage - and Brad's the kind of guy who throws money at everything like this.

We learned a few things in the process:
  1. I need a socket attachment for my cordless drill. Would have been waaaay easier and quicker than doing everyting with a socket wrench.
  2. It's cold in the winter, even in the garage, too cold to even drink beer as we do the work. These kind of jobs are way better in the spring.
  3. Screw drive door openers are no more quiet than chain drives.
  4. If both guys are in their slippers doing the work, their feet will get cold
  5. If you're going to be in the garage doing this stuff all evening, try and time it so that the women have the kids in bed by the time you come in.
Getting a new garage door opener isnt' like getting a new iPod or TV. There just aren't any cool new features to make this exciting at all. It opens the door and closes it. Big whoop.

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