Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I'm a little embarassed to admit that I have a personal fashion consultant - my friend Matt in Kansas City. Matt and I worked with on a project for about 2 years and during that time he gradually helped me clean up my wardrobe and understand the value of a good pair shoes. To add to that, Matt loves a good deal as much or more than any Kurt.

Matt's the only guy who could find a good deal on a suit, call me up, know my size (44L) and the style I'm looking for (black pin-striped) and buy it for me. He called me yesterday and he'd picked up a $900 suit for me for $200. Gotta love that.


Jon said...

Is he the one who made you wear shoes with buckles on them?

Unknown said...

nope. the one who got me to NOT wear buckles.