Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Birthday Spreadsheet

I received today one of the most creative birthday gifts ever, at least in my geeky view of the world. First, a little background: As I work with companies on building business cases around outsourcing, we often have to use very complex spreadsheet based models that involve bazillions of rows. I've been working for the past year with Bryan on one such model that is huge. Bryan happens to be a ninja with excel, typically creating dumbed-down summaries that I can digest, with lots of pick-boxes so that I can't hose things up too badly.

For my birthday, Bryan (with input from other guys like Kohne) created a birthday spreadsheet that calculates a number of important factors in my life, including the amount of gas I generated, number of CLMs (Career Limiting Moves) and number of times that executives at my company ask themselves ("Did he just say that out loud?"). Click here to view the spreadsheet in Google Docs.

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