Monday, April 07, 2008

Garbage Day

Ignoring my wife's advice, I decided to wait until this morning to put my trash out. I got back from my workout at 7:30 and found that the trash man had already come and I was left with the possibility of a week's worth of rotten garbage in my garage. When the kids were leaving for school, my kids spotted him on another block in the neighborhood, so I ran over and talked to him. I told him that I'd screwed up and ignored my wife's wise council and asked if as a fellow man he could save me from my own mistake, to which he agreed.

I went home, took a bottle of wine, put it in a gift bag and wrote a quick thank you note to the guy and put it out by my trash. When I returned my trash was gone and so was the wine. Hopefully he didn't toss it with the rest of the stuff.


Jon said...

With the quality of wine you drink, could he tell the difference between it and garbage?

Unknown said...

I know that you believe that your "Wine in box" in classy, but I think it's time to take a step up... You can borrow some of Dad's three-buck-chuck from Trader Joes.