Friday, May 09, 2008

Congratulations my Dad and Judy

Dad and Judy
Congratulations to my Dad and his wife-to-be Judy. My Dad called us today and announced his engagement. They've been dating since November. They have been spending most of their time together and seem very happy together. Judy helped my Dad when he watched our kids while we were in NYC. After spending time with Judy, Maddie gave her endorsement:
If Grandpa were to make Judy my new Grandma, I would be okay with that.
They haven't picked a date yet, but he's given her the ring. I've told my Dad that I'll have the big talk with him about his wedding night as it grows closer. My siblings and I have suggested a small, intimate gathering where he flies us all to the Bahamas for a beach wedding. We don't know if my Dad will follow Will's lead and take his wife's last name, or if he will hyphenate his own name.

In all seriousness, we're very happy for both of them. No one can ever replace my Mom and it's been a bit of an adjustment seeing my Dad with someone else after being married to my Mom for 40 years. My Dad and I have had some long talks as he's helped me understand where he's at in all of this and it's been really helpful for me. Ultimately, I want to see my Dad happy and he's very happy with Judy. Judy is a great lady and it's nice that she knew my Mom, because she can relate to the great memories we have of her. I think it's going to take Judy a bit of time to figure out the Kurt sense of humor. I'm not sure Cathie quite gets it after 15 years. For better or for worse, welcome to the family Judy!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Mike said that he is looking forward to your dad's bachelor party on Beale Street next month ...