Thursday, May 22, 2008

Grandma Names

We were talking on Saturday with my Dad and his fiancee Judy about names for Judy. Having the kids call her "Judy" seems odd, and the name "Grandma Kurt" is already taken. In the Kurt family, we happen to specialize in nicknames, so I ran a few obvious ones by Judy and my Dad: "Grandma + Judy" = "Grudy". I decided I needed to look at other countries and see what they call their grandmas.
Dutch - Oma
French - Mamy
Russian - Babushka
Swedish - Mormor
Norwegian -Bestemor
Hindi/Urdu - Naanaa
Thai - Ta Yay
Spanish - abuelita
English - Nana, Maw-Maw
Turkish - Annanne
Basque - Amoma
Palestinian Arabic - sitto
Greek - Yaya
Slovenian - Babica
Japanese - Obaasan
Hebrew - Savta

I think I prefer Babushka Judy so far... Any thoughts?

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Oma sounds good to me, but I may be partial to my heritage! Has Judy given any input?