Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Random Travel Stuff

I got the airport with my usual 45 minutes to spare and got to my gate without a problem. If you've never been to Detroit Metro Airport, it's a great airport, but it's about a mile long from end to end, to to mention the new middle terminals. I headed to my gate at A6, only to find that it had been moved to A76 at the opposite end of the airport. Stuff happens. I headed over to A76, only to find that it was now at A20, back on the other end of the airport.

I guess we all know that plenty of older people live in Florida. I have confirmed that based on these Florida flights in the winter. Holy cow. The average age on that flight is 70 with 20 wheelchairs lined up. The elderly are very demanding in first class. I feel bad for the flight attendants because most of the older people have completely lost their filters, as older people (Dad) tend to do.

In order to avoid flying out on Sunday night, I had timed things with getting to my meeting to the minute, assuming that my flight would get in about 12:30, as it had the past couple of trips down. We were delayed and I ended up getting into West Palm Beach about 20 minutes late. I chose the Dodge Charger with the HEMI in it and started on my 50 mile drive at 1:15 North to Port St. Lucie where my meeting was being held at 2, normally about a 1 hr 15 minute drive. I made it in the door, to the meeting at 2:01, very proud of myself, only to find that the meeting had been shifted to 4:00. And then I found ten bucks.*

*The "And then I found $10" is a phrase we've adopted in our family from Megan and Katie Green. They'll use this phrase if they're in the middle of a story and determine that as they're telling it, it's really not that interesting. The problem is, that our kids have now picked up on this. We'll be sitting at the dinner table and Emily will start to tell a rambling story, as 7 year olds are prone to do. Nate will quickly jump in with the "And then I found $10" as Cathie and I both give our undivided attention to Em's story. We used to do the same thing with their jokes when they were little, once feigning laughter at the 100th "Why did the chicken cross the road" joke got old. Of course, this was after a certain age, and only after if the joke made no sense at all. Probably explains a lot about our dinner table conversations, huh?


jim said...

If I didn't have a filter, I would say, "Who cares about this random travel stuff... I've had gates changed on me a hundred times. Tell us something we care about." But no... I'll just say, I'm sorry they changed your flight gates on you."

Unknown said...

As I was typing it, I came to the same, "Who cares" conclusion... Hence the "And then I found $10" line at the end... Read the whole thing.

BTW, I don't really have a filter either. The only person who really cares about this stuff is your Mom.