Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let the stash bash begin

This Thanksgiving will add a brand new tradition to the Kurt Family - the dirty mustache contest. My brother Jon has a big head start on me and his mustache has been getting rave reviews. People love a good mustache and tend to give you free stuff and avoid fights just on the fear of having to tangle with a mustache wearing person.

I've got big plans for my mustache and I've arranged my travel schedule so that I have the next ten days leading up to Thanksgiving to grow this baby out. The hardest part will be for my wife, who can't keep her hands off me when I have a good mustache going. She simply finds it irresistible. It's difficult for me to continually remind her that I have a job to do during the day and can't spend the day frolicking around.


Stacy said...

I have to believe that Cath does not find it so irrisistable that she can not keep her hands off of you. My vote is that it is such a turn off, she is trying to shave it off!

Noel Heikkinen said...

Can't wait to see Susan's.

BoxcatAV said...

You are in for stiff competition. If Jon's stash is *anything* like that of two of Beth's doctor co-workers, you will LOSE. I dare say Beth is tranfering stash growing powers to John through osmosis.