Sunday, February 08, 2009

Are All Apple Users Messed Up?

Some might say that this part of the article explains why Noel defends and loves Apple more religiously than he defends gravity:

What amazes me about these ads is that they appealed to and “worked” on an audience many people perceived as cynical about this sort of manipulation. Apple, having been a minority share-holder in the market branded themselves as aloof outsiders, swimming upstream in a culture of conformists. But in all reality, those of us who have fallen for this campaign are the worst offenders. I would even argue the use of Apple products, to some degree, mark us as the most insecure about our identities.

Apple products are defended with near-religious zest. But in our zest are we defending a company or our own identites? Perhaps what we’ve been offered is a brand to associate ourselves with, a brand that triggers our survival instincts, revealing we don’t believe we have enough to survive without this association? Perhaps the use of Apple products reveals insecurity more than it reveals confidence.

I say that it doesn't. I would say that there are much deeper issues around why Noel loves Apple. I say that this line from the article describes it much better:
If you use Apple computers, you are more likely to get laid.

1 comment:

Noel Heikkinen said...

Didn't read the article, but I am inclined to "amen" the last line.

My wife hates our (free) Dell we use at home. Maybe I'll buy her an Apple.

Here's hoping it works out.