Sunday, February 08, 2009


Will and I went to see the movie Taken last night as part of our "man-date". The movie is about a Dad (who happens to be an ex-special-forces type guy) whose daughter gets kidnapped and sold into white slavery. The Dad goes to every possible length to rescue his daughter, taking no prisoners and risking his life and going to the edge to get his daughter back.

It was a good action flick, but that wasn't what made it such a good movie. The movie touches something at a deep level for me as a Dad. Watching the movie, I think almost every Dad (given the same abilities) would do the the same thing. There's something at a gut level that made me root for the guy and connect with the whole story beyond just the action. It also taught me a few other things, like the fact that the French turn a blind eye to white slavery and are mostly corrupt, and all on the take.

I think there's something else in this story that is wired into us. Seeing a Dad go to any length possible to save their child from destruction reminded me of the length God was willing to go to in order to rescue us. Will reminded me that God would never hook electrodes to someone in torture, but that God would go to the same length of giving up his power, descending to earth and sacrificing himself (in Jesus) to rescue me.

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