Friday, June 05, 2009

I hope to be as smart as Nate

We went to Nate's awards banquet this morning. Nate was one of only a couple kids to receive all three awards:
1. The Principal's Award (Straight A's for all marking periods)
2. The Honor Roll (B Average or Above)
3. Perfect Attendance all year

This has been a great year for Nate. The sixth grade transition can be kind of a funky one and he's done really well with it. A big part has been getting his ADD under control. Conferences this year went from "He has great potential if he could just focus and not be distracting" to "He's a great student, who participates well". Nate was moved into honors math this year after really showing some great aptitude in his current math class.

Here's the video of Nate receiving his award (thank you iPhone):

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