Wednesday, May 07, 2003

A couple of weeks ago, I got in a car accident while carting a van full of my jr. high small group guys over to toilet paper mark freier's(our pastor) house. I got a ticket. I lost the ticket - and didn't remember until yesterday that it was due sometime soon. Cathie (my lovely wife) ran over to the police station to pick up a copy of the ticket for me. It was already overdue. Instead of thanking her for carting our three children over there, I found a way to blame her for not telling me that it was late soon enough. My wife's suggestion for a blog entry was: "today, me mr snoop dogg was trying to place my irresponsibility on someone else and was a stupid head to my wife. I am a really smelly man and should be nicer to the people who try to help me. Signed Dave the smelly monkey head!" She's pretty much right on the money. Most of the time she is.

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