Thursday, May 08, 2003

I was planning on flying out of Kansas City on a 5:05 flight, but due to the huge follow-up storm predicted for this afternoon, but I'm trying to get out on Standby for a full flight leaving at 1:30 (thanks to Margie Heidinger pulling strings and getting me at the top of the Standby list) . The last set of tornados hit about a mile away from where we're working. I've seen tornado damage on tv, but never up close. It was awe inspiring. Sounds weird, but it was the result of so much power! It went hrough the middle of a factory yard full of trucks leaving total destruction in it's path. There were 500 pounds pieces of metal hanging from trees a quarter mile away. It cut a path through trees that were huge, twisting them and snapping them like toothpicks. This world is dangerous. Nature is dangerous and powerful. How does this part of the world reflect who God is? He is not safe. I love the line from C.S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe where one of the kids asks whether Aslan the lion (who is the book's Christ figure) is safe. " 'Course he isn't safe, but he's good." So God has created a dangerous world, and he's created us to be dangerous - for good. This is something I love to talk with my son Nate about. His eyes light up when I tell him that he is "dangerous for good". It's a much more compelling vision than what Christianity seems to tell kids - be good and be safe.

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