Monday, August 23, 2004

I get annoyed when I hear people talk about looking for a church "where they can be fed". It strikes me as such a self-centered concept of church. I agree that "being fed" is one part of church, but from what I've read about the biblical concept of church (i.e. Acts 2:42-47), church also involves worship, service and celebration. There's this consumer mentality to sit there and say "feed me, feed me" and when you're not just being fed the way you want to be, or if you hit a bump in the road, you bail and find another church. It's an easy out. No need to go deep, no need to be authentic. Just move on. No need to stay with it - if you disagree with something, or someone ticks you off - bail. For some reason, it feels good to get mad at people who are doing this. Nothing like good, self-righteous anger to soothe the soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and another AMEN!