Monday, September 20, 2004

Cathie and I watched the movie Man on Fire with Denzel Washington. I haven't gotten into a movie like that in a while. Not to give too much away, but the movie is about an ex-special forces counter-insurgency guy who has hit bottom and ends up as a body guard for a young girl. Things go bad and he tries to make things right. The last half of the movie is about him pursuing justice and vengance. I don't think I've ever rooted so much for a movie character and wanted so badly for the bad guys to get what was coming to them. There's an amazing scene at the end of the movie that was such a great picture of what Jesus did on the cross for us. At the end, Denzel willingly walks across a bridge into the hands of the enemy in exchange for a hostage, knowing full well what's coming to him. The core message in this movie really struck me - a guy who believes he' s destined for hell, but it doing his best to reconcile himself for all the evil he's done in his life. In the end, he finds something bigger than himself and his alcoholism to live for and redeems himself through sacrifice.

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