Saturday, October 06, 2007

One Year

Mom and her two favorite kidsMom and I
It seems like just yesterday and a long time ago that my Mom died. Even going through and looking at these pictures I sit back and smile at the memories I have locked away. The first picture is where Dan and I were visiting Mom in the hospital during one of her first stays there. The second is after I gave my Mom a very ugly picture of me with the same facial expression I've got. Mom and her favorite childrenThe picture below is where the girls made a wonderful scrapbook for my Mom of her whole life and my brothers and I posed with her as if it were ours. The "rabbit ears" is such a great example of how much fun my Mom was and how as much as she would roll her eyes at our sense of humor, she still got it and was the source of some it. The rabbit fur jacket goes back almost thirty years when her and Susan had these matching jackets. She still was willing to laugh at her self. The Christmas picture is such a great example of how important traditions were to my Mom. During every get together, she would make sure we got some kind of picture showing the progression of the family, always one with the grandkids. She had no shame in getting a picture. She would bribe, but never raise her voice at the grandkids, no matter how obtuse they were being.
Mom and Dadkurt_christmas2004_moms_coatkurt_christmas2004_grandkids
We talk about my Mom all the time. The sharpest pain is gone, focused mostly with great memories, but I miss her a ton. We talk a lot about what Mom would think of a given situation or how much she would enjoy a certain food. My heart is heavy today thinking back to last year, in the last week with my Mom. I video-taped my Mom telling stories and my Mom spending the last days talking to each of her kids, grandkids and friends as she said goodbye. Even a year later, I haven't been able to bring myself around to watching the video.


Sarah said...

I love what you wrote.

Your last sentence resonated with me because a few years ago my parents were selling the house that we were all raised in and there were lots of VHS tapes unlabeled lying around, so we were just popping them into the VCR to see what was on them, and then labeling them accordingly. We were all in the midst of laughing at a school talent show video as we popped in the next video to see what was on it. It turned out to be a video of my mom's mom just hanging out with us and being silly and it brought us all to tears.

So that's what I thought of when I read your last sentence.

I know that you will watch the video when the time is right, and it's ok that it isn't the right time right now.

Hugs to all of you!

Unknown said...

I'm glad your story didn't end with you accidentally stumbling across one of your parents tapes of their "special" time together. Would have been a little ackward.

Sarah said...


How did I not see that I was leaving the door open for such a comment?


Jeanne said...

Great post. I know she is still laughing and smiling down at you (especially you) I feel her warm loving spirit with us everyday