Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hypothetical Situation

Here's a hypothetical situation:
Let's say you're flying on a small commuter jet. You're a guy with broad shoulders, at least wider than the width of a seat-back on a small commuter jet, which isn't saying much. Let's say you know this and you purposely get yourself a window seat so that every time someone walks down the aisle or a cart is rolled down the aisle (12 inches apart from each other), you don't get run into. A husband and wife are in the two aisle seats in your same aisle and ask you to give up your window seat for a shoulder slamming aisle seat so they can be right to each other. If in hindsight it turns out that these two people never really enjoy each others company in any way, here's my question:

Knowing all that, should you give up your seat to help them out and avoid being "that guy"?


Dan said...

On our way to the Bahamas, Kris and I were split up. I asked the guy sitting next to me if he would mind switching seats with my wife. He looked back and then said, "I don't do windows." I told him, neither does my wife, but would you mind switching seats. Apparently he didn't think that was as funny as I did.

Unknown said...

Of course you switch!

Noel Heikkinen said...

You could do what a guy did on my last flight. A woman with two small kids asked if he would take her seat because otherwise she would be in the back of the plane and he would be stuck with her kids. She asked, "would you mind moving?"

His reply was "Yes, I mind greatly, but I guess I HAVE to."

She felt like dirt and he trumped and mumbled to the back of the plane.