Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Panther Gold Video Game Night

Panthers Video Game Night
On Friday night, our church hosted a video game night for Nate's football team. We set up four video game systems on the big screen and had a bunch of tournaments throughout the night with Halo, Mario Kart, Madden and Guitar Hero.

At one point, things broke out into an all out game of close quarters every man for themselves dodge-ball. At first I was amazed that no one got hurt or ran out crying, but then I remember that these guys are football players.
Panthers Video Game Night
It was a great night and a cool chance for our church buildilng to make itself available to the community. It was a good chance for the parents of the players to meet Joe and Michael. Thanks a bunch to Michael, Evan, Rodney and Brad who helped set everything up and run the tournaments.

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