I think I might like to live in China someday. A lot of of my toys say they are made in China, so they must be really creative.
I think I might like to live in China someday. A lot of of my toys say they are made in China, so they must be really creative.
“Don’t be afraid.”
That’s how the Christmas story starts in Scripture. Twice, in fact. First, the angel shows up to Zechariah (telling him about his future son, John) and says, “dude, chill.”
Then the angel shows up to Mary and says the same thing (well, probably not the “dude” part).
Is it just the being-startled-by-an-angel part that precipitated that calming word? Seems to me it was so much more than that. The messenger wasn’t only saying, “Hey, I realize I’m a strange sight, and I’ve just materialized in front of you in a way that is likely startling.” The angel was, I believe, defining a path. The angel was speaking words that would need to be remembered over and over as the arrival of the Christ-child would completely up-end the world of those intimately involved in his birth.
You see it coming, right? You and I, my youth working friend, are intimately involved in the arrival of the Christ. I mean, sure, we’re not physically there. But this is our story! Since we get to be children of God, Jesus is both our brother and our savior. Jesus IS OUR STORY.
So the “don’t be afraid” should come to us too.
You might be thinking, “Afraid? What do I have to be afraid of?” Well, my contention would be that if you don’t have a sense of what you should be afraid of, you might not be fully living into the upside-down, kingdom-rearranging, first-shall-be-last, love-your-neighbor reality of what Jesus brought (and continues to bring).
The truth: you have plenty to be afraid of. But be not afraid.
This is one of those wonderful (and sometimes annoying, if we’re honest) paradoxes the Bible leaves us with:
Fear God… Who loves you unconditionally and tenderly.
God is all powerful and all loving… But seems to regularly not intervene in human suffering.
We’re in this world and are called to engage this world… But, ultimately, we’re not of this world.
The creator of the universe… Often speaks in a still, small voice.
You have plenty to be afraid of… But don’t be afraid.
Let’s be honest: working with teenagers, no matter how much you love them and are called to this ministry, is cause for fear. They’re a messy lot. The work is never done. The needs are never fully met. The demands and expectations of youth ministry pull in every direction, often in opposition with one another. If you live into this calling, sooner or later, you’ll get hurt; you’ll get ignored; you’ll be misunderstood; you’ll be blamed; you’ll be misrepresented; and you’ll screw up.
But, be not afraid.
For unto us a child is born. And “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”
I'm pretty sure that Kasey has been watching (as in babysitting, not stalking) our kids since she was in middle school. She babysat for us on Friday night and on Saturday night she came over and took the girls to see Enchanted (she thought she'd look weird going by herself) and then hung out with Cathie helping her wrap presents while Michael, Nate and I alternated between watching the Dallas game and playing Halo 3.
As the kids have gotten older, she continues to watch the kids, but she's become like a big sister to the girls. She's amazing with them, and they adore her. I'm so thankful that the girls have a collection of older girls like this in their lives that they can talk to and have as role-models as they grow up.
Kasey grew up in our youth group at church, which her Mom Nicki helped me run for a lot of years. In middle school, she never wanted to go to the meetings, partly because she thought she was too cool, partly because she wanted to sleep in(we met on Saturday morning - can you blame her?) Over the years, she became like a little sister to me, and with that came the power of me having the chance to meet each of her boyfriends and let them know if they could continue to date Kasey or not. A while back, she started dating a guy named Michael, who I wasn't sure about. I had a chance to hang with him for a week when he went to camp Velocity with us to help out. After that, i was sold. A while back the two of them got engaged and they're getting married in August I think. The full-circle part of this is that Kasey's fiancee Michael will be the new Youth Pastor at Crossroads with Kasey helping out. I'm very excited about both of them being here.
This was the only way I could keep myself from getting out of my room.
Cathie: "Hello parent, I have your nut order for you to take home with you."
Parent: "Why thank you for that lovely nut order. I will cherish it forever."
Cathie (to one of the Dad's walking in): "Don't let me forget to grab your nuts before you leave"
Parent: "Ok, but i'm not sure my wife'll be too crazy about that."
Cathie: "Crap"
Suppose Nate became a famous football player out on the West Coast who pulled in millions and millions of dollars as a result of his contracts and endorsements. Suppose his sister Madeline lived on the East Coast and her kids could not get a decent education and her kids were dying of diseases where cures exist. Meanwhile, Emily lived in the South in an area where her children were very sick and dying because they simply couldn't get drinking water.
As a Dad, what would my desire be for Nate with all of his excess? Of course it would be for him to use his abundance to help his family, to give them a hand up out of their poverty, disease and needs.
"ENFPs are energetic and enthusiastic leaders who are likely to take charge when a new endeavor needs a visionary spokesperson. ENFPs are values-oriented people who become champions of causes and services relating to human needs and dreams. Their leadership style is one of soliciting and recognizing others' contributions and of evaluating the personal needs of their followers. ENFPs are often charismatic leaders who are able to help people see the possibilities beyond themselves and their current realities. They function as catalysts."
- ENFP - The Visionary (Lifexplore)
"Friends are what life is about to ENFPs, moreso even than the other NFs. They hold up their end of the relationship, sometimes being victimized by less caring individuals. ENFPs are energized by being around people. Some have real difficulty being alone, especially on a regular basis."
- ENFP Profile (TypeLogic)
"Ranked 1st of all 16 types in using social and emotional coping resources and 2nd in using cognitive resources. "
- ENFP Facts (discoveryourpersonality.com)
"outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking..."
- ENFP Jung Type Descriptions (similarminds.com)