I got up at 4:30am to fly to Tulsa. I'm back tomorrow night.
I just got five strucks! I am the struck queen!
This morning's conversation with the kids in junior high was around the stuff we have versus all of the needs people have. We talked about the homeless, hungry and hurting and what we do help them. We all agreed that if we had 100 refugees living in our backyard, it would be a lot tougher to wake up each morning and be wasteful with our food, clothes and stuff. It would probably be a lot easier decision to buy food and clothes for the people in your back yard instead of the $400 iPod.
Unfortunately, none of us came up with any easy answers. Cathie and I did go home and clean-sweep our closet. I came up a giant pile of clothes that I'm taking to downtown Detroit with me on the third Saturday in March. I'm not saying these clothes are great, but they sure beat some of the crap that we pass out to the homeless down there. Cathie was my sounding board as I'd try and figure out if I was going to keep an article of clothing, often mocking me and my taste. I did come to the conclusion that I have a ton of Hawaiian Aloha shirts. To make Cathie happy, I threw in the shirt you'll see in the lower right hand corner of the picture... That and the X-Files hat in the middle. (Why would I have ever had an X-Files hat? I like the show Scrubs, but I'm never going to buy a hat that says Scrubs on it... Now that I think about it, I think it was a gift from my Mom.)
We golfed today at a private club called Onion Creek. My boss used to work with the owner of the club and the place was amazing. It was a formal dress club, which I found out as I walked on the course and they announced 'Remember, the club has a no shirt-tale policy. Please tuck in your shirts.' I was the only one without my shirt tucked in. The weather was a perfect 75 degrees and my team came in 2nd.
I know that RPS belongs to no man or woman and was created before recorded history. To that end, as I prepare to battle and engage my worthy and respected opponent. I honor the RPS players that came before me. I recognize that the rules and regulations of the USA Rock Paper Scissors Federation at the governing body of the sport and yield to the authority of it's referees and officials.
Most often, it seems that those who feel they are not “being fed” are the ones who have failed to feed anyone else. After all, Jesus wrapped a towel around His waist, washed His disciples feet and told them, “This is what it looks like to follow me.”
"Everyone has a purpose in life. Perhaps yours is watching television."
-David Letterman
Dear Dad,
Thanks for taking us to the Daddy/Daughter Dance. (Maddie)
That was a lot of fun. (Emily)
PS We love you lots!
I'm leaving this morning, on a 6am to head home. I had the dessert pictured above last night for dinnner, which could be the greatest dessert ever. It was a hot funnel cake topped in ice cream and carmel. Wow. I've calculated my time to get dressed, packed, drive, return the rental car and get through security down to the second to get every last second of sleep this morning, but 4:30 is early any way you cut it.
I'm taking the girls to the Daddy/Daughter dance tonight is always fun. We all get dressed up, go to dinner and dance akwardly with a bunch of other rhythmless white men. The strangest part last year was when 100 dads did the hustle very badly as the girls stood in a circle around us clapping.
Jim: Michael referred me to a male strip club called Banana Slings. Instead, I called the Scholastic Speakers of Pennsylvania.
Michael: So you know who turned out to be kind of a creep? Ben Franklin. And Elizabeth the stripper? Gave me great advice. Which rhymed. Really makes you wonder how Ben Franklin can become president but someone like Elizabeth can’t.
Michael: I am instituting primae noctis.Jim: Primae noctis, I believe from the movie, Braveheart, and confirmed on Wikipedia, is when the king got to deflower every new bride on her wedding night. So …
Michael: I’m sorry. I had a very different understanding as to what primae noctis meant.
Michael: Mr. Franklin, I would say you are probably one of the sexiest presidents ever.Ben Franklin: Well, actually, I never was president
Michael: Yes, but Ben Franklin was.
Michael: Guys! Beef. It’s what’s for dinner. Who wants some man meat?
Jim: Michael, Dwight would like your man meat.
Michael: Well then my man meat he shall have.